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Ayurveda & Infertility Treatment - A New Perspective and New Hope!

Are you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and struggling to get pregnant? 1 in 8 couples goes through infertility globally. You are not alone in this journey and we can help you overcome your struggle with our flagship program “Fertility Ayurveda Blueprint” under which we have 3 different protocols for conception.

1. Beejashuddhi treatment protocol for those couples who are planning pregnancy.

2. Garbhadharana Treatment protocol for couples who have medically diagnosed issues and are struggling to get pregnant.

3. Supraja treatment protocol for unexplained infertility or as an adjuvant to other fertility therapies like ART and to prevent genetic and hereditary diseases.

Apart from diagnosed medical issues, there are several reasons affecting pregnancy that are often overlooked like chronic infections, low immunity, and female factors which don’t allow healthy sperms to travel within the vagina. Male-factors like low sperm concentration, abnormal morphology of sperms, and low sperm production can also cause trouble in conceiving.

In Ayurveda, we believe that the quality of the egg and sperm is extremely important for conception rather than just quantity. Also, a happy mental state and having an effective metabolism are very important in conception.

Disorders like thyroid, diabetes, or hormonal imbalance can set the body into a negative receptive environment for conception and certain autoimmune conditions in females treat the sperms as foreign bodies and try to kill them.

Hence infertility treatment have to be based upon all these factors, only when all aspects of male and female factors are considered the fertility treatment yield better results.

While treating infertility we are not just giving you physical medicines but we are also focusing on your fear, insecurities, guilt, desperation, anger & frustration related to your fertility because your problem lies much deeper than just the physical body. Our personalized counselling techniques have helped us achieve breakthroughs even in complicated cases through this approach.


It is the ancient and traditional Ayurvedic practice of antenatal care which influences the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development of the baby in the womb. . The techniques involved in this practice include reading or seeing things that make you happy, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities like pujas, listening to right mantras, meditating, massaging bump to create an enriching experience and prenatal environment for your baby.

Five reasons which show Garbhasanskar is scientific and not just a traditional practice.

1. Scientific research shows a close association between mother’s thoughts during pregnancy and baby’s development as well as parent-baby bonding.

2. Studies also emphasize on the co-relation between a mother’s mental stress and viability of the pregnancy. Positive thinking and attitude promote the mental & physical well-being of the mother as well.

3. It develops better sleeping habits, alertness and confidence levels in the child& the child is more active at the time of birth. Listening to the right kind of music helps to encourage mother and baby's prenatal bonding.

4. Baby’s mental and emotional development (IQ, EQ) starts in the womb and hence garbhasanskar techniques also include training the mind of the baby impacting personality development of the baby.

5. Your womb is the first school your baby will attend. Your baby learns and develops as follows a) Emotional interaction - Baby recognizes mother’s voice in womb. Your emotions impacts baby’s expression and behavior.

Beej Shuddhi

This a holistic pre-conception procedure that enhances the sperm count and helps in preparing the reproductive system for a healthy pregnancy. The procedure takes place before conception and is done in order to prepare for a healthy reproductive system, which can result in the formation of a healthy progeny. It involves certain healthy practices including Panchakarma, Nasya, a healthy fertility diet, yoga, and meditation. After completion of all the above therapies, the couple has to follow a satwic as well as organic – wholesome diet for at least 3 months before conception. This preparatory therapy makes their body systems work in harmony.


This program is extremely useful for couples facing infertility problems, who are planning for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) treatments. This teaches you how to manage stress and anxiety, boost the quality of your diet and nutrition, improve your relationship with each other and increase sexual intimacy between partners.

Throughout these sessions, you will discover the importance of creating a supportive environment that will help relax you both mentally and physically, preparing the mind and body for pregnancy. This therapy includes Panchakarma treatments, Dietary modifications to boost Fertility, Uttarbasti, Yoga therapy to strengthen the reproductive system, and counselling for pregnancy planning.

Now no more struggling with infertility. At Ayurveda First, we work on all these factors and plan better-detailed protocols to yield results. Get in touch with us to conceive a baby naturally.

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